Monday, August 30, 2010


By Carly Floyd

endless days and night
season of freedom
of unhurried bliss
full of everything and nothing
seeming so eternal
like these days of sun
will just go on forever
but in just one day
these days of no restrictions end
and yet
this blue sky has never looked so bright

Sigh of Summer

By Carly Floyd

Season of the sun
Of long days in golden light
Of emerald grass, laying on a hill
Watching clouds go by in a clear blue sky
Walking barefoot down the street
Yelling, laughing, getting burned by the hot asphalt.
Season of freedom
Of reading by the pool,
Of bonfires that go well into the night,
Eating smores and telling stories.
Of beaches, and digging your toes into the sand.
Of travel.
Of driving with windows rolled down,
Singing along with the radio.
Carefree summer mind has no notion of time
Or reason
And end is inconcievable
So why
Can't we go on as if this will last forever?

Letting Go

By Carly Floyd

Everyone moving forward
Blurs from where I'm standing
Parting around me,
A river
Me, a rock to halt the waters
Divert them
If only for a moment.
People changing
Moving on from here
While I remain unchanged
Just the same.
Around me, laughter
Talk of plans
Of new places
For their fresh new faces.
And me
I sit
In the same corner as always
I want to hold them here
And go on like this forever
But they are moving forward
With me still in my corner
Afraid to get up,
And change
But I know, secretly,
That soon I'll have to let them go.

Summer Sky

By Carly Floyd

In the stifling heat of summer
Newly come
Not yet accustomed to the dry sun
And so all the more unbearable,
I sit
In a dark house, crumbling around me
Windows open, trying to catch
The nonexistent breeze
Through the open window,
The broken screen,
I see a square of pure blue sky
Without a cloud anywhere,
So bright it hurts my eyes.
And I sit there, staring out
Wanting to go outside, and see more
Where my view is inhibited
But the thought, lazy and slow in this heat,
Passes by unnoticed.
And I sit, watching the day go by.

Freshman Year

By Carly Floyd

This building
How many times have I sat,
Staring at the clock, waiting to go home?
How many times have I sat here,
walked there,
done that?
This routine is so deeply embedded.
I feel I could go on forever this way.
(If I could fit forever in a day)
It seems like only yesterday we talked of that
Was it last month the ceiling fell?
Or I fell in the hallway from laughing so much.
So many memories of thus year
So many laughs, and pictures
So many firsts.
So many people I got to know, to talk to.
I have all of these things in my mind,
I carry them with me.
But now
Now I have to leave, and it will be months
Months until I next see this place, these people.
But I will have changed.
And some things will be gone forever.
So, bittersweet, I go.
Looking back at my school, I say goodbye.
And for better or worse,
Here comes the summer.


By Carly Floyd

Fragile Dream
Fragile random idle thought
Born in sleep
Darkened mind
Darkened realm of hidden want
I see
Every twisting path to take
Then I wake
To find that all of it was fake

2 AM

By Carly Floyd

Baby it's 2 in the morning again
We're both tired but neither of us giving in...
I'm sorry for the things I said
But hey
You hurt me too.
And I know I'm a hypocrite,
Asking you to keep the past the past
Cause I can't forget what you said either.
And right now
All I wanna do is chuck the phone at the wall.
Here we go with the threats,
The mindgames.
I'm getting fucking sick of falling into this pattern hun.
But what can we do?
We're both too damn stubborn to wanna fix this.
And it's always times like these when I wonder if we even should.
But the pain in my chest
And the emptiness in my heart
And the tears in my eyes
Remind me why we go through this every night.
I love you...
Can we move past this now?


By Carly Floyd

Since I met you,
Barely two months ago,
My life has exploded into color.
No longer an endless landscape
Of gray, stretching boredom.
But something more.
Something wonderful and new.
Something you.
Once, I know,
I was hardly happy with simple things.
But now, you've changed everything.
Now, just knowing you exist.
That you're here holding me...
That's enough.
That's what I need.
And now I know what I can't live without.


By Carly Floyd

Draw a bath
And sink into the warm water
No, not warm, hot
Almost boiling, but
I am cold.
I lay there,
Trying to bring heat to my body.
Thinking about the shouts and arguments
Of nights crying myself to sleep
The things that mark the passing of time
Of existence.
I sink under the water
Trying to wash the tears off my face and
For the first time
I seriously consider -
Should I stay under?
Let my family find me dead, maybe
My corpse would cause them pain.
Make them feel guilt.
Would it be like falling asleep?
No - I know
Drowning is a terrible way to go
Suffocation, and death throes
As water floods your lungs
So I rise, and inhale
Not even death can come easy to me
So as the water grows cold
I rise, dry off
Drain the tub
And prepare to face the world outside the door

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Carly Floyd

Leaving home, leaving family and friends behind
And not knowing what to expect
Is hard.
But reaching my destination I realize
No one knows me here
Here I am not the quiet, shy girl
Here I am not alone in being smart.
In fact, most are smarter, thoughtful.
I made friends quickly
And grew.
Came out of my shell.
Laughed and smiled.
People noticed.
Then the week came to an end and I
I had to leave it all behind
My new confidence
My new love of life
My new self
I had to come back
Where everyone knows me as who I was
And not the outgoing person I have become.
Memories are all I have
Not even pictures.
And I know those friends I made
I will never see again.
Because at some point
We all have to go back home.

My Goodbyes

By Carly Floyd

I'm flying high above the world
My home somewhere far below
And yours even farther
Below the clouds
There is life
There is you.
From here, I feel I can escape
And go anywhere
But after all,
Everything must land.
Even me.
So goodbye to all I've left to leave
Paola, Kassy, Evelyn, Amy, Steve
Goodbye to workshop 4
Goodbye to Brynn and the Chopper
Goodbye to history
And to not being the smartest.
Goodbye to room 251
Goodbye to Washington
Goodbye to Close Up
Goodbye me.

The Fall

By Carly Floyd

High above the clouds
A fall like this would kill me, kill me
End me
But out the window of the plane
I see it
Falling through the blue
From the sky
And maybe then I could forget myself
My petty problems
To just have my whole world
Depend on how far gravity could take me.
How long?
How long until I hit?
Maybe I could catch a cloud
And sleep on the white
And live in the sky forever,
above even the birds.
But sooner or later,
you have to come back to earth.
And the fall
Would be beautiful, no?


Carly Floyd

Slip into the stupor
The endless black in my head
Unfocus my eyes
And detach
Through the nothing
And close
Lashes brush against my cheek
The body sleeps
But I
I am not there
I am somewhere above
Somewhere more
Where I can't remember.
So for now
I can forget
And that,
That is bliss.


Carly Floyd

This chill
Goes deep
I want to scream.
Because there's nothing I can say
Or do
So I just sit here and take it.
Even when I want to go home
Lay in bed
Sleep and forget.
But I'm bound here
So I just imagine.
To fade into the shadows.


Carly Floyd

There is a grain of truth
In every hurtful lie.
So silently I sit
Passing time goes by.
And dreaming empty days
For shattered thoughts I cry.
And in this darkened room
My heart begins to die.


Carly Floyd

Cold, gray world outside the window
Biting winds shake the panes.
Inside, the cold still reaches me
The blood freezes in my veins.
This inner cold is chilling
Blankets don't keep the heat.
And though I clutch my sweater to my skin
My heart flutters in a fragile beat.
I dream of hidden sunshine
Of fire in the hearth
And suddenly, I feel it
A subtle sense of warmth.
I cuddle in my blanket
Me in my sweater here
And even with the storm outside
In my cocoon, I have no fear.

My Secret

Carly Floyd

Secret smile
Secret flutter of the heart.
Cause I lie
When I talk to you
I can't even start.
I love
Say I love you
And you will never know.
For you're more
Than I can give you
So now it's time to go.


Carly Floyd

You are the reason my blood runs
For my heart beats inly for you.
You are the light in my eyes
For the stars shine when I see you.
You are the spring in my step
As I hurry to get to you.
You are my sweet smile
From the joy when I talk to you.
You are
All the best in me.

Think of me

Carly Floyd

I speak to you
About you
Shows I care.
I share with you
About you
Shows I'm here.
You never even think of me.
Do you?


By Carly Floyd

This out of body feeling
Took me by surprise.
Is this me I'm feeling?
I can't believe my eyes.
This isn't me- it can't be.
I'm not this kind of girl!
But still, I know, it's happening.
This thing, I know, it's real.
Through the fog around me
I find the will to stop.
To leave this situation
And find which way is up.


By Carly Floyd

Spring is here
Walking home
Only weeks left in school.
Trees sway.
Sun shines.
God smiles upon the earth.
But I,
I am hurt.
And I promised myself
I wouldn't cry until I got home.
Away from all these people.
This weather fills me with joy
But I can only remember
All the things that were said.
The comments people made.
Like I couldn't hear.
Like it didn't even matter.
As the wind plays with my hair
And warmth fills me
I want to scream.
I don't want to cheer up!
I can't forget what happened,
Just because the birds sing.
Just because I hear children laughing in the park.
Even though the sun beats down on me,
It doesn't touch me.
Inside, I am cold.


When I dream
I dream of you
I see your face in solitude.
And you're here
Standing there
See the wind flying through your hair.
And suddenly, it comes to me
I remember all we used to be
And I wonder
Do you ever think of me?
And yet I stay
Out if sight
And you, none the wiser.
But I was there
In the shadows
Seeking proof that you really do live
Outside of my imagination.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


By Carly Floyd

Walking in a haze of my own
Listening to my soul-song
Ahead, my friends
I want to pass them
to avoid the
"What's wrong" the
caring glances.
When I'm fine.
I wear this face because it's beautiful
but they only see a frown.
Brace yourself.

Butterfly Kisses

A veined blue-purple
Shot through with cracks of white
Like I'm inside a crystal
Or behind a wall of
Colored Glass

Chill inside my sanctuary
There's nowhere left to go and
A silent tear
Travels down my cheek
To fall on the marble beneath me

And I wait for months
Wait to emerge
To Become
Something more than what I am
More than me

And I sit
Bated breath
My only distraction in
The fragile butterfly wings
Brushing against my cheek

And finally, I can see beauty

-Carly Floyd

Sunday, February 28, 2010


By Carly Floyd

There's a venom in my subconscious that
swims beneath the surface.
Like hellbent ravens
Chasing victims to their deaths.
Like decapitated, mutilated children.
Like a poison, it spreads
Like cancer,
Eating away at me from within.
This thing, destroying me,
as much as it is me.
It is me. It.

Pink Glitter Girl

By Carly Floyd

Pale pink glitter fragments
Laying on the floor.
Broken into pieces
Not breathing anymore,
No longer dreams of fairies
All purple pink and gold,
No dreaming of a princess
High in castles cold.
Shiny yellow ringlets
Hair spread out all around.
The blush is slowly fading
Her blood spread on the ground.
In tattered strips of chiffon
She lays, a dusty rose.
Pale lips forever parted
But why, nobody knows.
So say goodbye to innocence
I see the tears you cry.
For, five years old, a little girl
Is far too young to die.

I'm Fine

By Carly Floyd

For all the burdens layed on me by
Them I cannot bring
myself to let them see
my Pain.
I feel sad
almost always and yet I
hide it through shallow
smiles that don't
reach my eyes.
But they don't
notice because they don't want
to pretend their world
isn't perfect.
Even if they go through the
motions of asking what's
wrong, they don't want to
They're fooling themselves.
So I only break down at
night, and the tears fall onto my
pillow and glue my eyes shut until
the morning when I put on my mask,
however fragile the disguise.

Visions of the Future

By Carly Floyd

At night, when sleep escapes me, and
My brain will not quiet, I think of what
My future might be like.
I imagine a dark apartment
A brooding woman over a glass of wine
Reflecting on past promises that did not bear fruit.
Wishing perhaps to attract pity,
If only in desperate need of attention,
But there is no one to notice her darkened heart.
This loneliness is not imagined or thought,
It is real.
Finally something to complain about,
Not just the dark musings of one who loves the black.
But no one to see her waste away.
If a spinster dies unknown in a darkened
room, did she ever really die?
Or never truly live?
The truth lies in the latter, I think, and
such is my future, alone.

Phone Call

By Carly Floyd

They say holidays are a time of reflection
Laughing with family,
I am interrupted in my joy and warmth
by a phone call
made, steeped in loneliness
I am forced, through my own morals
to bear their pain
I am pain
And nothing but the collective burdens of
My loved ones.
I only wish someone would notice.


By Carly Floyd

he is the unpredictable terror
a storm
always clouds -
fragile hints of what might come
in the fury he can unleash
with very simple cause
like a butterfly taking flight
in a distant place.
sometimes, it takes quickly.
other times it stews and
flashes, thunders, hails
rattles window frames.
sometimes I wish it would
break the glass and
let the wind and rain
fly in and
carry me away.
but the tempest always stops
before I have anything substantial
to fear.
constant paranoia.
I know now to always wear a raincoat
and ward against the sleet.
for a storm will always be
just on the horizon.


By Carly Floyd

The soul is a star
When you die,
it floats
to the sky.
To be there forever.
Or at least until the last memory of you
is gone.
And then the star will fade
No longer lighting the dark
And that is truly death.


By Carly Floyd

Every day
Wake up and shake off the sleep
Get out of bed
And place my bare feet on the floor
Warmth fades away
Get dressed
The day begins
Dante was wrong-
There are 8 levels of hell
Hour 1
Hour 2
Hour 3
Still fighting
Hour 4
Hour 5
Hour 6
Almost there
Hour 7
Hour 8
Finally, the bell rings
Walk home, lug the heavy backpack
Make a home on the sofa
Revel in the freedom
Homework for hours
Time for bed
Nighttime routine
Unwind in the blankets
Grateful sleep
And it starts again.
I hate this.

Face the Day

By Carly Floyd

I want to give up
Because this world is cruel
Reliving moments that make me cringe
Make me want to disappear.
I want to start over
Start fresh
Erase everything I've done
Or thought.
Living is hard
And I want to crawl back in bed
Pull the drapes
And go to sleep
In the darkness I'm okay
I can imagine
I'm back in the womb
And I am new
Without my scars.
But the truth?
I still have to wake up
And face the day
And the people out there
If I can.


By Carly Floyd

Morning Quiet
Chill Winds
Weak sunlight shining through.
The color of mint
From the ice crystals clinging to
Wisps of visible breath
In the
A promise of snow

Captured Words

So many words I want to form
Around this feeling
Capture this moment in text
But is there anything that has not
Been said?
Of cliches
Of predictability
Of trite, overused ideas.
I want to do this justice.
I think
There are some things that cannot be told
They must be felt
As they are
Then is a poet's job
Impossible, pointless?
Or noble?
Either way
I give up
And give in
To this moment.

-Carly Floyd

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Don't Feel Right

It is the beginning
But this feeling
Isn't right.
Already, I regret
And I dread seeing
My guy.
We're only just together
So why can I so clearly
See us apart?
It's all I can focus on
And I have to
From you.

- Carly Floyd

The Boyfriend Poem

Girl meets boy
And finds she likes him
This cute and funny guy.
They end up talking
Fondness grows
She dreams until it hurts.
She thinks she wants him
To be hers
She thinks she's ready.
She flirts and laughs
And smiles a lot
And one day, he asks her out.

Suddenly reality hits
She's lost without a clue.
"This is awkward!
What do I say?!
I don't know what to do!"

This is
A first for her
She's scared and skittish here
Regretting ever falling hard
Because now she's got to follow through.
Butterflies all over
It's hard to face the day
There, that's him, he's here now
"I don't know what to say!"
Uneasy feelings of remorse
"What did I get into?"
The wish to just go back a week
To before any of this...

This isn't right.
"I shouldn't feel this way."
She thinks.
"I should enjoy my boyfriend
Not rue the day he asked me!
But I can't help the way I feel
And I feel trapped with him!"

Three weeks go by, she tries
But finally it's time to say:
"It's not fair to lead you on.
I don't feel the same.
I thought I did but now I know
Just know you're not to blame!
I know that I'm not being fair
But I can't help my feelings
I'm sorry - you did nothing wrong
It's me that needs the healing
I hope you know I'm sorry
Can we still be friends?
I still think that you're really sweet
I'd hate if this were the end."

She wrote a letter saying so
And made it very sweet
She gave it to him
Heavy heart
Wait for him to read.
Tick, tock, the clock goes by
Full of nervous feelings.
Finally she sees him
Angry glint in his eyes.

"Make it clear!"
He says to her
"What are you trying to say?"
"I'm breaking up with you.
I'm sorry I feel this way."
If looks could kill she would be dead
"I knew it." he said.
He walks away, here yelling after him
"Don't talk to me!" Instead.

All day she is ignores
Except for poison glances
The guilt is crippling
But, strangest thing
Her butterflies are clearing.
She feels much better in her heart
She is finally free
No man to have to live for
"I can finally be me!"

So though her ex still hates her
And prob'ly always will
She can't help her grinning
It's the way she's meant to be.

- Carly Floyd


So many gray months without
Pen to paper and...
Just an ink dot.
The trash is overflowing with
Frustration and anger
Clouds lift outside
And sunlight illuminates the blank
A breeze stirs the long stagnant air
Finally, fresh life
And I know
Pen to the paper

- Carly FLoyd


In the beginning was the silence
Pregnant air, heavy with anticipation
Fingers raise, and settle tentatively on the keys
Hands take on the familiar patterns
Cool to the touch
And begin to play
Softly at first
Eyes closed to the haunting melody
Then with force, and a passion
Soulful singing sound
Heart-wrenching notes of the climax
So beautiful
Falling notes
Softer, slower
The finality of the last note still hangs overhead
Ghosts of sound
Stand and bow
(Invisible Audience)
And leave
Footsteps echo in the empty room
And the hush falls once again

- Carly Floyd


Lay in bed, awake again
Moonlight shinig on my face
Alarm clock numbers rising
Thinking thoughts that will not rest.
Turn right and left and back again
Fluff the pillows, sigh.
This vicious cycle will not end.
Because I still lie
I'm tired, but my eyes won't close
The numbers, ticking higher
Red lights blur
My tired eyes focus
And I panic, because I know
I'll be exhausted tomorrow.
I'm so tired of being tired!
When will it end?
Because I'm still awake...

- Carly FLoyd